Evolushen Designs


5 Secrets to Building a Profitable Freelancing Business NO MATTER Your Current Skillset

The exact steps I took to become a 6-figure online business owner in less than 1 year through the power of Freelancing

The 5 Secrets:

  • Secret # 1: Know and Grow Your Skill
  • Secret # 2: Create Optimized Profiles / Portfolios
  • Secret # 3: Create and Streamline Your Processes
  • ​Secret # 4: Land & Retain High-Paying Clients
  • ​Secret # 5: Grow Your Personal Brand
About Your Presenter

Leslie is a full-time freelancer, mentor and marketing consultant who spends her days teaching powerful women how to build profitable Freelancing businesses and providing content marketing services to clients across the globe.

She is passionate about helping others and has built her entire brand upon the core value of Impact Over Income. 

Leslie has worked with some of the biggest brands on Amazon with their content marketing efforts, has had the opportunity to educate people from all over the world through podcasts and in-person training events, and she has personally coached over 500 Freelancers along their own journey.

Leslie spends her days making content for clients, hanging out with her hubby, traveling to new places every month and continuously learning and evolving to be what her student's need.

If You Want to Build a Business, this Webinar will Save You Time Change Your Life


Freedom is a beautiful thing...

And with any Evolushen Educational program, you can have all the freedom in the world. 

You’ll learn how to make money on your own terms and be able to do things that you never thought were possible...
Imagine being able to take care of your family the way they need you to. Without sacrificing precious time with them or having to ask for permission from a boss who doesn't really care about you. It's time to break free and start living life on your own terms.

And the best place is to get started with our free in-depth training! 

Let's do this, friends!

Who was this program built for?

The 30-Day Freelance Freedom Roadmap is made for two types of people:

1. The current freelancer who is struggling with landing clients, working more hours than he/she did during their 9-5 and feeling desperate for systems and processes that will fix his/her current situation.

2. The hopeful freelancer, but current 9-5'er who has the high-income skillsets discussed within the Webinar, but doesn't understand how to monetize his/her skills outside of one company.

Highly Skilled, But Needs Direction
You already come to the table with high-income skillsets. Even if you didn't think you have what it takes, the Webinar has adjusted your mindset, and you know you have skills that are in high demand for clients across the world. BUT you don't know exactly where to start as it relates to offering your high, in-demand skill sets. You need direction, action steps and accountability to guarantee your success instead of immediately diving in headfirst with no guarantee of a return on your efforts. 
Done with the 9-5 Life
You're tired of the mundane. You're tired of the routine. You want to start being rewarded for the creativity inside of you that's been pushed down by so many "rules" and "procedures" within the company's you've worked under. You want more time in your day to do the things you actually want to be doing. You want to stop having calls that could have been emails. You wake up uninspired and spend your nights watching TV or scrolling through TikTok to just breathe and escape. You don't do well with authority, and you maybe even manage multiple jobs within your one job. You know there's more out there, you just don't know how to grab it.
Busy, But Never Productive
You always feel like you're running in circles. You're a serial side hustler, because you understand the 40-hour work week is not a requirement, but you've tried tons of things that just didn't work. You feel lost but are still constantly yearning for more. Your days always seem incredibly busy and jam-packed with to-do lists, but you never seem to accomplish any goals nor experience income growth. You're trying to find the RIGHT side hustle that will actually make a change in your life and the lives of your clients, but you're tired of wasting precious time.
Overwhelmed by all the Options
You've seen hundreds, maybe thousands, of videos telling you to do this, make that, build those, but you're tired of wasting time and want to find something that ACTUALLY works. You've tried Amazon FBA, you've tried Etsy, you've tried digital downloads, you've tried Master Resale Rights Courses, you've tried Affiliate Marketing, but you can never seem to reach those monthly income goals you set for yourself. There's too much information out there and you don't know what to believe, what's going to work for you, and what's going to deliver the highest return fastest.
No Processes, No Plan
You may be landing pretty decent clients, but your monthly income goals seem almost unattainable because you feel like you're constantly running around like a chicken with your head cut off. You don't have a clear onboarding process for new clients. You don't have a strategic lead acquisition process where you're not having to go find clients every month. You don't have a proposal, contract, invoicing process. You don't have a portfolio built, and you quite frankly don't even know how. You don't know what it means to "optimize your Freelancer profiles," and it would be helpful to have access to an exact, proven, framework on how to do it for your own services. All of these issues can be fixed permanently with the right tools and internal operative processes. 
No Clear Income Strategy
Your monthly goals are just to make enough money as a Freelancer to pay your bills. You don't have an income goals spreadsheet. You don't have a service breakdown for how many clients per service you should be acquiring and managing each month. You are barely hanging on and feel like the 9-5 life might just be what you're destined to always be a part of. You are treating yourself as a client service provider instead of a CEO and your monthly income is reflecting that.

Newsflash - You already HAVE the skills to make this happen for yourself.

Learn How We Have...

Crafted customized and strategic action plans for hundreds of women across the nation, no matter what skillsets they originally brought to the table.

Learn How We Have...

Delivered consistently remarkable results to Freelancing clients with the right strategies and processes that will, in turn, allow you to provide the same level of results.

Learn How We Have...

Retained clients for months, even years, while consistently scaling our pricing structure every quarter.

Learn How We Have...

Perfected an Inbound Leads strategy, so we wake up to new inquiries every morning, even when we didn't work a second the day prior.

Here's how I am going to help you...

Receive the context behind the why and the tools for the how in order to build and carry out your most profitable and sustainable Freelance Business Model


  • WHY: Why Freelancing is the only side hustle that WORKS 100% of the time and can be replicated for years to come providing the same results in the future.
  • HOW: All the entry-level training you need to create your service options, build your pricing packages, optimize your profiles, grow your confidence on discovery calls and curate your perfect internal processes that land and retain high-paying clients.
  • WHAT: A 30-Day framework with carefully curated step-by-step tasks that help you transform or kickstart a Freelancing Career without the frustration and burnout. 
  • ​TOOLS: Access to all of the automation tools I used in the early stages of building my Freelancing business.
  • ​TEMPLATES: Access to exact templates I use in my business on a daily basis including Proposal Templates that demand a reply from prospects, Follow-Up templates, Testimonial Request templates, LinkedIn Content Marketing templates, Optimized Profile Description templates, and more.
  • ​TAILORED TRAININGS: Not only will you have LIFETIME access to all of the video trainings with the Roadmap Portal, but you will also get 30% off our Monthly Members Only Community Membership Fee! Standardly $17/month - you'll only pay $12/month by deciding to join the Roadmap! In our Private Members Only Group, we host weekly LIVE trainings, monthly Group Coaching calls and provide insider tips and tricks published nowhere else!

Use Coupon Code at Check-Out: MASTERCLASS

But don't just take my word for it - Here's what others just like you have experienced within the Freelance Freedom Framework

How Leandra made enough money as a Freelancer to pay all of her monthly bills within 2 months

How Aubrey purchased her 3rd rental property with the money she made Freelancing as a copywriter and UGC creator using our framework

"I have been a stay-at-home mom for the last 16 years and never in my marriage have I not been a stay-at-home mom. Every Christmas I sit and watch my girls open their presents, that yes, I "bought," but it was always my husband's income that covered the costs.

I have never bought him anything because I felt like “Oh here is a gift for you that I bought with your money.” BUT this year I am in tears writing this because for the first Christmas ever I have a gift to give my husband and not only that ALL the gifts for Christmas were bought from money I have earned through freelancing.

I give so much credit to Leslie for this life I am living. I have worked with other coaches, and I have taken other courses and ALL of them have fallen short for me. Leslie helped get my print on demand business started as well as my freelancing business.

She didn’t blow smoke up my butt. She didn’t make promises that seemed too good to be true. She showed up, she taught me, and she held me accountable. I am so excited for what my next year is going to look like. I am excited to pay for Christmas, but I am more excited that the possibility of generational wealth doesn’t seem like a pipe dream anymore!"

How Jenessa went from burnt-out HR employee to freelancing HR Consultant with time back in her day to travel and grow her podcast!

How Sophi built her social media marketing business with dreamy high-paying clients using the skills she already had.

How Susan achieved top-rated seller status and made over $10K on Upwork within her first few months and was able to take Freelancing full time!

I recently gained access to the 30-Day Roadmap, and I seriously have my work cut out for me! As someone who has been both an employee and an independent contractor, for more than 30 years, I was tired of working 40+ hours a week while other people grow their business and independent wealth. It was my turn. So I turned to Leslie and Evolushen Designs to learn how I can take my decades-long acquired skills and transform them into my own business. I started trying to navigate Upwork on my own, as a freelance Editor/Proofreader and quickly became overwhelmed. After just 3 days in the program, I have already learned I need to: Analyze other freelancers to better target my jobs, Understand how to identify keyword phrases, how to navigate the Google keyword planner, how to find hiring trends on LinkedIn, Work on gaining new skills, and brushing up on some which have fallen behind, Create the best possible profile which will naturally drive job posters to choose me, etc. I feel a hope I have not felt in a long, long time. A hope that I can earn a good living, doing what I love, and providing a service to small businesses and nonprofits. I can’t wait to keep going on this journey with Evolushen! Keep your eye out for Java and Ink, I may be proofreading your content next!

Don't let another day go by without making the changes you need to OWN your time


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